Inter-Varsity Press and the Tyndale Fellowship’s Study Group for Philosophy of Religion are pleased to announce the PRIZE-WINNERS of the competition for IVP Early Career Philosopher of Religion 2024..
1st Prize (£100 book token):
Walter Stepanenko
(Assistant Professor of Philosophy, York College of Pennsylvania):
“Evil, General Revelation and Christological Goods”
2nd Prize (£50 book token):
Daryl Ooi
(Lecturer, National University of Singapore):
“Creation Groans and Longs: Systemic Evil as Evidence for Christianity”
3rd Prize (copy of We Believe):
Andrew Mercantini
(M.A. Philosophy of Religion, Palm Beach Atlantic University):
“Evil: Problem and Evidence”
Congratulations to all three prize-winners, especially to Walter Stepanenko on becoming the “‘IVP Early-Career Philosopher of Religion 2024”.