All evangelical scholars and postgraduate students in biblical and theological studies are welcome to apply for membership.
Members can also pay their annual subscription here.
We aim to respond to membership applications within two weeks.
Don't pay any subscription fee yet. As soon as your membership has been accepted, you will be invited to do so.
Your privacy matters to us. For more details on how we use your data please read our Privacy Policy.
General benefits
Be part of a fellowship of Christian scholars
Engage with the best of evangelical scholarship
Dialogue with researchers globally in our Forum
Tyndale Fellowship conference benefits
Receive a discount to the annual conference
Participate in Study Groups, which meet concurrently each summer in a joint conference
Attend Tyndale Fellowship Lectures, presented in six subject areas
Enjoy fellowship with other scholars from the UK and worldwide
Tyndale House related benefits
Our sister body kindly offers Tyndale House Library Associate Readership to ALL Tyndale Fellowship members, at no further cost to each individual, since agreed collectively.
This includes:
ï‚·3 separate Day Passes to the Tyndale House library
All-year access to its excellent E-Resources (through OpenAthens), for personal use only
Single residential room booking discount (of 20% in Sept–March; 10% in April–Aug) for up to 3 weeks
Tyndale Bulletin printed discount (down to £15 for UK postage, £20 elsewhere)
Complete FORM HERE whenever you wish to apply for any of these benefits.
Please note:
Benefits are linked to the Membership Year (1 May to the following 30 April)
Tyndale House bookings are subject to desk and room availability (fewer rooms are now available, due to expanded visitor programmes and planned building work)