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The Christian Doctrine Study Group of Tyndale Fellowship exists to promote evangelical scholarship within the disciplines of Christian Doctrine and Historical Theology.


Tom Noble 


Jason Sexton 

Call for Papers: The Doctrine of Creation

New explorations of a doctrine of creation have been forthcoming in recent years from scholars at the intersection of theology and modern science (McGrath, etc.), from the history of the tradition (e.g., Augustinian, Barthian, Kuyperian), and from constructive approaches engaging matters of racial-capitalism and environmental justice (Jennings, Lausanne, etc.). 


For our 2024 study group, we welcome proposals engaging the doctrine of creation from systematic theological approaches placed in conversation with the traditional doctrinal loci (theology proper, hamartiology, Christology, ecclesiology, pneumatology, eschatology, etc.) along with related theological subjects: grace and nature, history, providence and evil, tragedy and beauty (aesthetics), corporeality and incarnation, time and eternity, and eschatological judgement and perfection.


We welcome proposals that identify and demonstrate biblical and exegetical bases of a doctrine of creation, drawing from scriptural texts with theological conclusions. We are also interested in the history of the doctrine of creation from a range of traditions: the early church and Patristic literature; conceptions throughout the medieval, Reformation, or modern periods; and from within the history of Evangelicalism (18th c.–present), especially with regard to global evangelical conceptions of a doctrine of creation. We are also interested in how the doctrine of creation relates to contemporary culture, including insights and developments amid the current ecological crisis, species’ extinction, and the purposes of creation in light of histories of colonial violence, extractionism, expansionism, and exploitation. This may intersect with a doctrine of creation and migration, or with the natural and built environments, and the relationships between human and non-human species. It may include revisitations of (or new developments in) natural theology, especially reflected in different global geographical regions. We are also interested in how a doctrine of creation interacts with disciplines from the natural sciences (geologic, atmospheric, hydrologic, etc.) and social sciences (geography, psychology, sociology, etc.), including matters that are theoretical, political, economic, and ethical (e.g., genetic theories, artificial intelligence, etc.). Finally, we will consider the church’s role in issues that relate to creation, such as sustainability, environmental justice, as well as racial, economic, and social justice.

For consideration in the 2024 program, please send a 150-200 word proposal (Word or .pdf) to by 15 December, including your name, institutional affiliation, and email
address. Successful proposals will be notified in the new year and we plan to have the program
available by the end of January 2024.


The Christian Doctrine Study Group will meet concurrently with the Fellowship's six other groups from Wednesday 3 July – Friday 5 July 2024 at High Leigh Conference Centre, Lord Street, Hoddesdon, UK.


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