The New Testament Study Group of Tyndale Fellowship exists to promote evangelical scholarship that takes seriously the authority of the Bible and rigorous academic study by engaging with issues in our wider world.
Ian Paul
Nick Moore
Tyndale Fellowship Study Groups Conference
Wednesday 3 - Friday 5 July 2024
New Testament programme
This year our focus is on the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, which together comprise more than a quarter of the New Testament. We are delighted to offer a range of papers exploring different aspects of these texts from a range of angles, including specific episodes within them, the relationship of Paul and his letters to Acts, how these texts are and have been read, and the relationship between Luke and Acts.
Wednesday 3 July
​16.00-18.30 Welcome
Issues of historiography, authorship, reception
Alexander Lopez Diaz, ‘Luke 1:1-4 and Narratology in Early Christianity’
Michael Blythe, ‘Greed and the Dark Powers in Luke-Acts’
James Morgan, ‘Reading Luke-Acts in light of Five-hundred Years of Greek Historiography’
Nelson Hsieh, ‘The Structure of Acts in Chapter Systems from the 3rd/4th Century: Rediscovering Insights from the Greek Manuscript Tradition’
20.00-21.30 Tyndale Fellowship Lecture in New Testament
Nick Moore, Cranmer Hall, Durham, 'Temple, Cosmology, and Myth in the New Testament'
The idea of a heavenly temple is widespread in the ancient world, including in the New Testament. Yet it has been a neglected theme in New Testament scholarship, certainly by comparison with the related yet less prominent themes of temple Christology and community as temple. This lecture first outlines the extent of the theme in the New Testament. It then focuses on one reason for the neglect: the mismatch between ancient conceptualizations of the universe and modern scientific cosmology. It explores and critiques a number of attempts to account for this gulf, a debate which continues to be impacted by Bultmann’s category of demythologization. It finally argues that, even on a ‘mythological’ construal of the New Testament writers’ cosmology, the connection of temple with heaven speaks fruitfully and eloquently of the nature of God’s abode.
Thursday 4 July
Exegetical papers on particular texts/themes
Aminta Arrington, ‘Sight, Touch, and the Subaltern: The Anointing of Jesus by a “Sinful” Woman’
Tim Murray, ‘The Social Location of the Author of Luke-Acts’
Chris Norden, ‘“Let Us return” – How Luke Presents Paul’s Decisions in Acts 15:36–16:10’
Exegetical papers on particular texts/themes
Murray Smith, ‘Expectant omissions: the function Luke’s selective citation strategy in his inaugurated eschatology’
Daniel David Pollorena, 'Who said what? Jesus or John? Exploring Luke’s use of the Agrapha in Acts 11:16’
Paul in and with Luke-Acts
Christopher De Stigter, ‘Acts, Paul, and the Social Logic of εá¼°δωλÏŒθυτον’
Christoph Stenschke, ‘The Distinctly Jewish Prisoner: The Paul of Acts 21–28’
Danny Atkins, ‘The Mystery of Israel and the Mission of God: Reading Romans 9-11 and Luke-Acts Together’
Friday 5 July
Reading Luke-Acts
Alistair I. Wilson, ‘Foundations for a “missional reading” of Luke’s Gospel’
Matthew Sleeman, ‘How do you read? Being Lukewise with(in) Acts’
11.00-11.30 break
Relating Luke and Acts
Bex White, ‘How Does the Use of Allusion before Quotation Provide an Argument from Narrative Shape for Unity in Luke-Acts?’
12.00-12.30 Planning session