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Image by Alexander Mils


The Practical Theology Consultation, beginning in 2023, has been set up to create a space for scholars wishing to engage in practical research whilst also taking seriously the authority of the Bible and Christian doctrine. Practical Theologians usually sit at the intersection between Theology and other Humanities disciplines. We use various methods to research contemporary situations and experiences, in order to reflect upon them theologically. The Consultation will last for a period of three years, with a view to becoming a Study Group in the future if there is sufficient interest.



Tyndale Fellowship Study Groups Conference 2024

Wednesday 3 - Friday 5 July 2024


Practical Theology programme

A Practical Theology of Sin: Evangelicals have long been associated with a gospel which proclaims the need for repentance and forgiveness of personal sin. Practical Theology has been strongly influenced by Liberation Theology, which tends to be more focused on the power and oppression of structural and systemic sin. This year, our conference papers will explore the intersections between these two concerns, to complexify, interrogate and diversify evangelical understandings of sin from a practical theology perspective. The papers will draw on a range of methods and interdisciplinary perspectives to examine understandings and practices within different contexts and traditions.
Wednesday 3 July

Theological Education


  • Helen Miller, Moorlands College, UK, ''This Calls for Wisdom’: How John’s unveiling of ‘sin’ in his apocalypse can inform the teaching and practice of theological reflection today'

  • Abi Maguire, Moorlands College, UK & Isaac McNish, London School of Theology, UK, 'An exploration of undergraduate evangelical theology students’ conceptualisations of sin in relation to practice'

  • Helen Collins, Trinity College, Bristol, UK, ''But woe to you, academics and scholars!' A theological reflection on how Jesus might evaluate the sins of Western theological education'


Thursday 4 July


Historical & Interdisciplinary Approaches


  • David Clark, University of Roehampton, UK, 'Sin as the public dishonouring of God’s name in 14th century British paraenesis'

  • Sarah Dunlop, Ridley Hall, UK, 'Using photography to see a theology of sin: developing a Biblical lens for pastoral care for those experiencing anxiety and depression'

  • David Heywood, Oxford, UK, 'What light does cognitive psychology throw on the doctrine of ‘original sin’?'


Spiritual Practice and Formation


  • Chloe Lynch, London School of Theology, UK, 'Struggles with Prayer: Transformative Process of God or Ancient Sin?Spiritual Practice and Formation'

  • Ric Garvey, Durham University, UK, 'Earthen vessels, new creation, and vocation: an evangelical practical theological exploration of the impact of sin on Christian spiritual formation'

  • Andrew Rogers, University of Roehampton, UK, 'Good news about sin: reflecting on evangelical practices of confession' 



Friday 5 July
Ecclesiology and Church Leadership


  • Tim Miller, Durham University, UK, 'Speaking of sin: How can the espoused and operant theologies of Charismatic preachers inform an evangelical understanding of sin and salvation?'

  • Alistair McKitterick, London School of Theology, UK & Maggie Ellis, Chichester, UK (joint paper), '"Of course, we sin all the time.”  How does a common evangelical view of ‘the perpetual sinfulness of humans’ influence the way those who have lost senior Christian leadership positions are counselled?'

  • Ed MacKenzie, Cliff College, UK, 'The Church that Sins: Anti-Semitism, Sexual Abuse, and a Theology of Ecclesial Sin'



Practical Theology Group Meeting


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