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Image by Siddhesh Mangela


The Biblical Archaeology Study Group of Tyndale Fellowship exists to promote evangelical scholarship in the field of biblical archaeology.

We meet in-person at the annual Tyndale Fellowship conference, along with the Fellowship's other study groups.



Call for Papers: Biblical Archaeology Study Group

Tyndale Fellowship Conference, 30 June - 2 July 2025

The Biblical Archaeology study group welcomes paper proposals for this Summer's conference. Presentations need not be limited strictly to archaeology, but may also include subjects of broader historical or textual-linguistic interest in relation to the Bible (such as ancient Near Eastern studies or Classics), especially those which draw on the full range of historical evidence. We anticipate presentations running for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for questions.


If you would like to present in the study group, please send a title for your paper and an abstract of no more than 150 words to George Heath-Whyte (, along with your name, job title/course of study, institution, and country of residence, by 21 February.

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