In 2023 the Tyndale Fellowship Study Groups met in July at High Leigh Conference centre for three days of fellowship, scholarship and worship.
Reports from the Study Groups
The Practical Theology Consultation met for the first time and discussed the distinctive contributions of evangelical theology to this emerging field.
A first time attendee of the Philosophy of Religion Study Group enjoyed the scholarship through fellowship ethos of the meeting.
Tyndale Fellowship Lectures
Philosophy of Religion
In Defence of God Making Stuff Up: Theistic Activism, Divine Creativity, and Divine Exemplarism
Paul Gould
New Testament
How to live well: Mimetic Ethics in Graeco-Roman Antiquity and Early Christianity
Cor Bennema
Christian Doctrine
Re-Creation through the Cross: The Relevance of Athanasius’s Soteriological Christology for Today
Jeremy Treat
Old Testament
The Lambent Presence: The Shining Face of God in the OT
David Reimer
Biblical Archaeology
Personal Names and Old Testament Research: What We Know and What We Want to Know
Caleb Howard
Biblical Theology
Wilderness as a Theme in Biblical Theology
Brian Rosner
Members' meeting
The first meeting of Tyndale Fellowship members since its establishment as a separate charity was chaired by David Firth. Progress on the membership, finances, and communications of the fellowship had been made and it was hoped that the fellowship would go from strength to strength in this new stage.