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In June 2022, over 140 participants joined the Tyndale Fellowship Study Groups 

for three days of in-person and online papers, lectures, discussion and fellowship.

Honouring John Goldingay

The Old Testament Study Group hosted an 80th birthday celebration with cake and sparkling wine for long-term members and honoured contributor, Professor John Goldingay.

Tyndale Lectures

New Testament

"The Perfect Law of Liberty on Poverty and Wealth: A Precursor to Paul?"

Craig Blomberg

Philosophy of Religion Lecture

"The Possibility of Resurrection and the Nature of Human Persons"

 Jon Loose

Old Testament

"Towards an Old Testament Theology of Hospitality"

Brittany Melton

Christian Doctrine

"What does it mean to participate in Christ?"

Joanna Leidenhag

Biblical Archaeology

"Shifting Boundaries: The Westward Political Expansion of the United Monarchy"

Steven M. Ortiz

Biblical Theology

"Entering God’s House: The Directionality of Temple Sacrifice and the Dynamics of the Incarnation"

David Moffitt

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